Baby Bonding: from late pregnancy to babies on-the-move

Baby Bonding is a very gentle and effective preventative and early help attachment programme for parents and their babies-in-waiting and babies. It can be delivered with groups, 1:1 or through a home-visiting model and is suitable from 28 weeks of pregnancy. 


This flexible programme is based on the latest attachment research which shows that supporting the earliest parent-infant attachment relationship sets the scene for the best outcomes for children right into adulthood.  Pregnancy and the early months after birth represent a “window of opportunity” to share new knowledge with parents.


Baby Bonding aims to provide:

·       Lovely local sessions designed to get parents and their babies off to the best start possible together

·       Enjoyable interactive activities and resources to help build a strong relationship both before and after birth

·       An opportunity to explore all aspects of baby development including the amazing baby brain, how babies communicate, how we can help to calm and soothe babies in our fast-moving world, and other important developmental information 

·       Empower and encourage parents as the experts in their baby’s care and how they play the most important part of all

·       Share evidence-based tools and techniques with parents to help them manage the transition to parenthood and the challenges it brings

·       Opportunities to develop a supportive network with other parents that may continue after the programme ends

Baby Bonding practitioner training gives you all you need to become a baby bonding programme practitioner including:

·   A strong grounding in the latest attachment theory and research including what we now know about how attachment security is operationalised within the parent-infant relationship

·   Practical skills sessions equipping you with all you need to deliver baby bonding programmes

· Specialist skills in working with your own soft “baby” or “teddy” to model key attachment mechanisms with parents

·  Access to online printable resources to support delivery including an example 6-week programme

·  Additional creative resources to enhance delivery

·  Pre- and post-programme outcome measures

·  A fully-accredited Practitioner Certification with 12 CPD points towards professional registration 


“I really enjoyed the training and found it absolutely fascinating, powerful and practical. I really enjoyed the group experience and look forward to helping parents to tune into their children. Thank you”.
— Dr. Malie Coyne, Clinical Psychologist and NUIG lecturer.

Next training event

Contact if interested, no dates at present